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Council Business

West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2024/25 Consultation

At their meeting on 12 December 2023, the Council’s Cabinet approved plans to consult on WNC's Draft Budget for 2024-25 and we are now seeking views on these proposals.

Published: 12 December 2023

close-up photo of assorted coins

At their meeting on 12 December 2023, the Council’s Cabinet approved plans to consult on WNC’s Draft Budget for 2024-25 and we are now seeking views on these proposals.


This consultation closes midnight Tuesday 23 January 2024.


Have your say


If you would like further information on the proposals and to give us your comments, please visit West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2024/25 Consultation.


If you have any queries, comments or would like a copy of the consultation questionnaire in another format you can contact us by email, post, or telephone. Our contact details are as follows:


Email address:


Telephone: 0300 126 7000


Postal address:

Budget Consultation Response

West Northamptonshire Council

The Guildhall

St Giles Street


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